Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 Resolution

This note was written while I was listening to a German radio station on the evening of Christmas day. Every Saturday I always tune in to catch the top 40 hits program, the radio DJ is cool and so are the music, but since it was Christmas, the playlist was enqueued  with Christmas songs sung by pop artists, which was nice actually. The program runs until 5 pm local time and on this particular day, it started to get me thinking about the radio DJ as he is supposed to be at home surrounded with family members while having roast turkey as dinner menu. When in fact, he was out there sitting in front of computer screens while talking to an emotionless microphone and playing songs for people, who were possibly at home surrounded with their family members while having roast turkey as dinner menu. I hope he left the studio earlier and spent the rest of the day with his family, not in some posh night club in frozen Berlin. I actually had some topics in mind to be written as next year resolution, but thanks to the radio DJ, family time is just included as one of them.
Like previous years, 2010 could really be a good year as university degree is obtained and I managed to secure a job. Looking ahead to 2011, there are couple things which do not promise a good start of the year. Firstly, I will soon be introduced with something called tax, which comes in two disguises: vehicle taxation with potholes on the road and lousy public transport service still be seen; income taxation which so far as I am aware shows not many benefits as it almost certainly be corrupted. Another rather worrying news is, international oil price is currently increasing approaching 100US$ for every barrel. Some economic expert stated that it is merely because increasing demand for fuel in snowy Europe and as soon as spring arrives, the price will return to its psychological level. Don’t exactly get what this “psychological level” means; I just hope it won’t do any damage to my wallet. Nevertheless, only gits welcome a new year with negativities botching into their heads and so I shall turn the table around, in which to this point I will describe something as not good instead of dreadful. So, coming up next year is undoubtedly the long-anticipated job, plenty wishful thoughts on that one honestly. I wouldn’t really care if my boss is murderous, as long as the man is draped in a tremendous amount of patience and welcomes a riddling newbie. In case if you are wondering, I am almost certain that the boss will be a “he”, chiefly because I work as a trainee in a vehicle workshop and it is inevitably dominated by men, although being supervised by a woman will be much more interesting, as long as I don’t get hurled with ratchets or wheel spanners when she goes berserk. Though by contrast, having cooperative and pleasant colleagues with a small hint of competitiveness would be very nice. Another resolution will be a great hope that I don’t have to bring the work home. Having carefully traced back into the olden days, I used to not liking homework very much when I was in high school, and then I loathed it when I went to the university, although the idiom “practice makes perfect” deemed to be right. Homework kills both me time and family time, not once had I been very amused with homework and it will most likely apply next year. In search of solution to this issue, I would make sure to compensate it by working over hour in the workplace. On top of that, the New Year resolution includes me never blabbing about odd interest in posting crappy articles on the internet to my superior, otherwise this note would be accessible to him and I should be dead by then.
 "Wish you have a blissful New Year celebration, enjoy!"
Aside from being a good trainee at work, I don’t really have any wishes else as resolutions. Others might have wishes like quit smoking or stop drinking, whom I wish best of luck, although the irritating truth by the end of the year is they are to be seen with a glass of beer on the left hand, cigarette on the other, while the mouth churning out smoke like a 18th century coal-fired locomotive.  I neither smoke nor drink, so I am good and moving on. The other day I went out with my acquaintances and one of them insisted that that I looked unmaintained, which I think was a form of euphemism as his face expression explained dishonesty; probably I looked more sort of like a mess in his mind. Yes, again. It was a “he”. Wouldn’t it be any more tragic than accepting attention on how I look from a bloke? Still, despite the bothersome and yet rather unexpected comment, I will consider grooming a bit. And that is as far as it might go.
Concerning writing, next year promises more topics to be written as the job offers a great deal amount of excitement on the paper and a lot of new social experiences. This note therefore marks the last article this year and expects to see a different writing style next year. As a working guy, next year’s articles could be written in a wiser and grown-up manner. Or the other way around, they could get more annoying and contain only complaints, partly because the author is no longer a student and therefore doesn’t exhibit any portions of intelligence à la academicians. Until the next posting, wish you have a blissful New Year celebration, enjoy!

1 comment:

Joe said...

happy new year too!!

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