Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Response To Uncertainty

Hello everyone! Now I just want to remind you that this note is supposed to be posted yesterday. But either I have accidentally deleted the final draft permanently or I have misplaced the file somewhere that I couldn’t find it, I had to rewrite what I have written for the last couple days and this however allowed me to include another fresh material that could be discussed in this note. This note is still dedicated to be the commentary response to my friend who had commented on my previous note “Uncertainty” and in fact, he gave me another material to be written in this note. For your information, the example which is included to support this note is actually shifted because in the previous draft, I gave merely a virtual example which might happen to anyone but as far as I concern, nobody I know is having such problem. However, in this replacement note, I give a personally closed-up and actual example. It also described the uncertainty perfectly and how I respond to it. So sit back and enjoy the reading.

Last night I went on-line and had a chat with a good friend of mine, the topic was mainly about priorities in learning progress, however that is not the one I want to include in this note, I would probably go for that next month if I am “possessed” to write about it. Basically, in the early of conversation I mentioned about how I don’t like to be hung up by a company where I am supposed to undergo the internship program, mainly because I thought it was not normal that an internationally well-known company takes more than one month to notify short listed interns about their status in the company or anything else. Everything is vaguely unclear and preposterously unacceptable, so I discussed it with my friend and he analogized this uncalled-for state of being as a Pandora box which everyone is eager to look inside. It then led to a presumably terminology of him and he referred it as the chaotic theory. I am currently out of work and what is that?! For starters, I do welcome surprises, although some of my friends tell me that I am a quite dull person because everything should be organized and planned. What I found oddly amusing is that my friend regarded this act of uncertainty as a surprise, but then I told him that the actualization of surprise is quite different between him and me. I am undergoing an official internship program and it should therefore be processed as efficient as possible, not surprising. Let me give the most standard example of true surprise in youngster’s community: Tomorrow is my friend’s birthday; I and some other friends prepare a surprise party; we stand in front of his door step; wait until the clock ticks to 12 in the morning; knock on the door; wish him happy birthday. That is my perspective of a genuine and proper surprise. People will only say: “I am surprised.” if things which occur around them are positive ones, well maybe slightly the displeasing ones as well. Why? Because if it was devastatingly negative one, they would say: “I am shocked.” Covered with a sense of desperation after knowing his one-of-a-kind perspective of surprise, I fired him another question about how uncertainties could possibly make someone’s life more alive, but then he mentioned about rainbow which made me eventually stop asking him, because I don’t know what else to say instead of offering a new topic.
"What does matter is the capability of solving things when they have power to do it and they have access or resources for it."

As I would say in the previous note, there are cases where uncertainty is tolerable and some isn’t. Unfortunately, the fact that I am being hung up is somehow intolerable, because there are people in charge behind the decision making and they are unmistakably capable of it. Certainly, it takes time and more often than not repetitious considerations before accepting someone to be a part of the company. However, does it really take more than one month just to give an update or progress information? I have no idea either, but I just hope for the best for the time being. On the other hand, the uncertainties are absolutely normal in several cases, such as the story of waiting room. It is basically people who wait outside the operating room of hospital, where their family member or friend is inside there undergoing a surgery. Those people have no control to what is about to happen inside the OR. Even the surgeons are sometimes put under uncertain condition and straightly speaking, the situation itself is not within their control. For instance, when the patient they are operating refuses to hold on and just let go, there is nothing else they can do instead of walking out and say: “We have tried our best, we are very sorry.” I am not saying that uncertainties are acceptable when it deals with someone’s life, but what does matter is the capability of solving things when they have power to do it and they have access or resources for it. It is therefore the most fundamental difference where the act of uncertainty is acceptably fine or not.

From the example above, I could conclude that there are two ways how to respond the uncertainty. The first one is the manner I have, moaning and whining all the time because I couldn’t do anything about it to make things go faster, I just have to be more patient, think positively and cheer up a bit. I even fed myself with an idea that the internship committee might be working on the documents or trying to follow up the details regarding my internship status. The other one is my friend’s perspective with the colorful rainbow and surprise, I don’t know whether he just smacked his head on the pavement of the road or he was simply too stressful or he was indeed a very positive thinking man or he was being realistic or anything else.. I don’t know. It is agreeable that constant complains are never a solution to problem and it would be much better if we look from the Brightside. What I want to point out is that apart from any seething misunderstandings and arguments, there are moments where uncertainties are acceptable or even we are looking forward for it occasionally, because for some people certainty is a spoiler and that makes life uninteresting. However there are also times where we just don’t want to hear any bunch of mischief and hope that things will reach their end points quickly. I honestly believe that I would rather solely trade my time of waiting with a possibility that things will turn out to be right, because there is no point of rushing just to have a final result and nothing could be more infuriating rather than having things spoiled which eventually screw up the whole plan. That is fine if plan B is just minutes away to be executed, but when there is no plan B, it would be better to be uncomplaining and hope that things will go according to our arrangements.

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